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J. Radiat. Prot. Res > Volume 40(4); 2015 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 2015;40(4):252-260.
doi: https://doi.org/10.14407/jrp.2015.40.4.252
단계적 야생동식물 선량평가 코드 K-BIOTA의 특성 및 적용
금동권, 전인, 임광묵, 최용호, 김병호
Characteristics of the Graded Wildlife Dose Assessment Code K-BIOTA and Its Application
Dong-Kwon Keum, In Jun, Kwang-Muk Lim, Yong-Ho Choi, Byeong-Ho Kim
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 989-111 Daedeokdaero, Yuseonggu, Daejeon, 34057 South Korea
Correspondence  Dong-Kwon Keum ,Email: dkkeum@kaeri.re.kr
Received: September 10, 2015; Revised: November 5, 2015   Accepted: November 10, 2015.
This paper describes the technical background for the Korean wildlife radiation dose assessment code, K-BIOTA, and the summary of its application. The K-BIOTA applies the graded approaches of 3 levels including the screening assessment (Level 1 & 2), and the detailed assessment based on the site specific data (Level 3). The screening level assessment is a preliminary step to determine whether the detailed assessment is needed, and calculates the dose rate for the grouped organisms, rather than an individual biota. In the Level 1 assessment, the risk quotient (RQ) is calculated by comparing the actual media concentration with the environmental media concentration limit (EMCL) derived from a bench-mark screening reference dose rate. If RQ for the Level 1 assessment is less than 1, it can be determined that the ecosystem would maintain its integrity, and the assessment is terminated. If the RQ is greater than 1, the Level 2 assessment, which calculates RQ using the average value of the concentration ratio (CR) and equilibrium distribution coefficient (Kd) for the grouped organisms, is carried out for the more realistic assessment. Thus, the Level 2 assessment is less conservative than the Level 1 assessment. If RQ for the Level 2 assessment is less than 1, it can be determined that the ecosystem would maintain its integrity, and the assessment is terminated. If the RQ is greater than 1, the Level 3 assessment is performed for the detailed assessment. In the Level 3 assessment, the radiation dose for the representative organism of a site is calculated by using the site specific data of occupancy factor, CR and Kd. In addition, the K-BIOTA allows the uncertainty analysis of the dose rate on CR, Kd and environmental medium concentration among input parameters optionally in the Level 3 assessment. The four probability density functions of normal, lognormal, uniform and exponential distribution can be applied.The applicability of the code was tested through the participation of IAEA EMRAS II (Environmental Modeling for Radiation Safety) for the comparison study of environmental models comparison, and as the result, it was proved that the K-BIOTA would be very useful to assess the radiation risk of the wildlife living in the various contaminated environment.
Keywords: ICRP103, Environment protection, Graded dose assessment, K-BIOTA, Wildlife
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