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227 |
Chromosome Aberration in Peripheral Lymphocyte of Radiation Workers in Hospital
Yi, Chun-Ja;Ha, Sung-Whan;Jung, Hae-Won;
J Radiat Prot. 1997;22(4):227
237 |
Blocking the Acute Radiostrontium Transfer from Placenta In Fetus by Soluble Chitosan in Mice
Kim, Young-Ho;Bom, Hee-Seung;Kim, Ji-Yeul;
J Radiat Prot. 1997;22(4):237
243 |
Development of Relative Calibration Method for Measurement of Radon and Application
Park, Young-Woong;Yang, Hyun-Soo;
J Radiat Prot. 1997;22(4):243
251 |
Safety Evaluation of a Radioisotope Transport Package
Lee, J.C.;Ku, J.H.;Seo, K.S.;Min, D.K.;
J Radiat Prot. 1997;22(4):251
263 |
Development of Portable Memory Type Radiation Alarm Monitor
Son, Jung-Kwon;Lee, Myung-Chan;Song, Myung-Jae;
J Radiat Prot. 1997;22(4):263
273 |
A Study on Mesoscale Atmospheric Dispersion of Radioactive Particles Released from Nuclear Power Plants
Lee, Gab-Bock;Lee, Myung-Chan;Song, Young-I1;
J Radiat Prot. 1997;22(4):273
289 |
A Study on Calibration of Neutron Moisture Gauge Using MCNP4A
Whang, Joo-Ho;Lim, Chun-Il;Song, Jung-Ho;
J Radiat Prot. 1997;22(4):289
299 |
Effective Doses in the Radial Gamma Radiation Field near a Point Source: Gender Difference and Deviation from the Personal Dose Equivalent
Chang, Jai-Kwon;Lee, Jai-Ki;
J Radiat Prot. 1997;22(4):299
309 |
Determination of Attenuation Collection Methods According to the Type of Radioactive Waste Drums
Kwak, Sang-Soo;Choi, Byung-I1;Yoon, Suk-Jung;Lee, Ik-Whan;Kang, Duck-Won;Sung, Ki-Bang;
J Radiat Prot. 1997;22(4):309