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52 |
Gross Beta Screening and Monitoring Procedure using Urine Bioassay for Radiation Workers of Radioisotope Production Facilities
Yoon, Seokwon;Kim, Mee-Ryeong;Park, Seyoung;Pak, Min-Jeong;Yoo, Jaeryong;Jang, Han-Ki;Ha, Wi-Ho;
60 |
Influence of Modelling Approaches of Diffusion Coefficients on Atmospheric Dispersion Factors
Hwang, Won Tae;Kim, Eun Han;Jeong, Hae Sun;Jeong, Hyo Joon;Han, Moon Hee;
68 |
Calculation of Derived Investigation Levels for Uranium Intake
Lee, Na-Rae;Han, Seung-Jae;Cho, Kun-Woo;Jeong, Kyu-Hwan;Lee, Dong-Myung;
78 |
Change of Dose Exposure and Improvement of Image Quality by Additional Filtration in Mammography
Cho, Woo Il;Kim, Young Kuen;Lee, Gil Dong;
91 |
A Study on the Adoption of Cyclotron Decommissioning Plan Criteria by the Analysis of Domestic Relocation and Abroad Dismantling Practices
Woo, Rina;Kim, Yongmin;Song, Minchul;Cho, Daehyung;Lee, Jaesung;Kim, Wantae;
100 |
Development of a Needs Based Education Course on the Basics of Radiation
Nam, Jong Soo;Won, Jong Yeoul;Seo, Kyung Won;Yoo, Hye Won;Hwang, In Ah;
106 |
Relation of Self-Efficacy and Cognition of Irradiated Food among High School Students
Han, Eun Ok;Choi, Yoon Seok;
119 |
Development of a simple laboratory-made radioactive source to check the integrity of a gamma spectrometry system with HPGe detector
Lee, Mo Sung;
124 |
Review of Contamination and Monitoring of On-site Groundwater at Foreign Nuclear Power Plants due to Unplanned Release
Sohn, Wook;Lee, Gab-Bok;Yang, Yang-Hee;