Assessment of Thyroid Dose Evaluation Method by Monitoring of I-131 Concentration in Air
Lee, Jong-Il;Seo, Kyung-Won;
The TCMI(Three-Compartment Model for iodine) computer code has been developed, which is based on the three-compartment model and the respiratory model recommended in ICRP publication 54. This code is able to evaluate the thyroid burden, dose equivalent, committed dose equivalent and urinary excretion rate as time-dependent functions from the input data: working time and the radioiodine concentration in air. Using the TCMI code, the time-dependent thyroid burdens, the thyroid doses and the urinary excretion rates were calculated for three specific exposure patterns : acute, chronic and periodic. Applicability as an internal dose evaluation method has been assessed by comparing the results with some operational experiences. Simple equations and tables are provided to be used in the evaluation of the thyroid burden and the resulting doses for given I-131 concentration in air and the working time.