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J Radiat Prot > Volume 19(2); 1994 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1994;19(2):99-0.
계층화 의사결정법을 이용한 방사선방호선택 대안결정에 관한 해석적 방법론
An Analytical Methodology for Evaluating Radiological Protection Alternatives Using Analytical Hierarchy Process
Sa, Sang-Duk;
This study aims to introduce a prescriptive methodology to comprehensively support the analysis of decision process by the use of Saaty's Analytical Hierarchy Process for the optimization of radiation protection. The analytical Hierarchy Process for the optimization of radiation protection. The analytical process for the problem of selecting options among given protection alternatives is illustrated with the data of the uranium mine example in ICRP Publ. 55. This technique, unlike other conventional selection method, is considered to provide a useful tool for the protection manager with respect to its ease of use and simplification in the choice of optimal alternative associated with radiological protection.
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