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J Radiat Prot > Volume 21(4); 1996 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1996;21(4):285-0.
NaI(T1) 섬광검출기를 이용한 공기 및 수중에서의 감마선 에너지스펙트럼 분석
An Analysis of ${gamma}-ray$ Energy Spectra Using the NaI(T1) Scintillation Detector in the Air and Water
Kim, Eun-Sug;Park, Jae-Woo;
The energy spectra in the air and water of several ${gamma}-ray$ sources such as Cr-51, Cs-137, Mn-54, Zn-65 have been investigated using the NaI(T1) scintillation detector. General response functions, which can curve fit the measured spectra, have been constructed. We have found that the constructed response functions can successfully represent the measured spectra in the water as well as in the air, It is possible, by comparing the relevant parameters of the response functions, to quantitatively characterize the changing features of the measured spectra as obtained with varying the water depth. Of the response function parameters, those which affect the shape of the full-energy Peak have most notably changed. Besides, those parameters which affect the shapes of the flat continuum, the Compton continuum and edge have also shown slight changes with varying the water depth.
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