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J Radiat Prot > Volume 25(1); 2000 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2000;25(1):3-0.
Ce 검출기를위한 LLNL 팬텀의가슴벽두께측정
Chest Wall Thickness Measurement of the LLNL Phantom for Ce Detectors
Lee, Tae-Young;Lee, Jong-Il;Chang, Si-Young;
The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute acquired the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory phantom for calibration of germanium detectors used for in vivo measurement of radionuclides deposited in human lungs. The manufacturer inscribed concentric circles as a phoswich detector positioning guides on the phantom's torso plate and its overlay plates, and provided the effective thickness of the chest wall for each plate measured at location_ over the circles. However, since the germanium detectors are of different sizes, the areas considered for phoswich detectors were no. longer applicable for the locations of the germanium detectors on the phantom. Therefore, we re-evaluated the effective thickness of the phantom to determine if the manufacturer' s data are valid for germanium detectors in use for in vivo lung counting or if new values must be implemented. Differences no more than 3% in effective thickness were found between the germanium detector regions to be used at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute and the phoswich detector regions prescribed by the manufacturer
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