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J Radiat Prot > Volume 28(2); 2003 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2003;28(2):117-0.
$^{99m}Tc$ 표지 방사성의약품을 이용한 핵의학 영상검사를 받은 환자에서 방사선 적응반응의 개인간 차이에 대한 연구
Individual Variation of Radiation Adaptive Responses in Patients Undergoing Imaging Studies Using $^{99m}Tc$ Labeled Radiopharmaceuticals
Li, Ming-Hao;Bom, Hee-Seung;Kwon, An-Sung;Kim, Young-Ho;Kim, Ji-Yeul;
It was reported that radiopharamaceuticals induced radiation adaptive response (RAR) in patients undergoing nuclear medicine imaging studies. Individual variations of RAR were not studied well. The purpose of this study was to evaluate individual variation of RAR in patients undergoing nuclear medicine imaging studies. Peripheral lymphocytes were collected from 23 patients undergoing $^{99m}Tc-diethylenetriamine$ pentaacetic acid $(^{99m}Tc-DTPA)$ renal scintigraphy, 18 patients undergoing $^{99m}Tc-methylene$ diphosphonate $(^{99m}Tc-MDP)$ bone scintigraphy and 21 patients undergoing $^{99m}Tc-tetrofosmin;(^{99m}Tc-TF)$ scintigraphy were collected before and 4 hours after injection of radiopharmaceuticals. The lymphocytes were exposed to challenge dose of 2 Gy gamma rays using a cell irradiator. Numbers of ring-form (R) and dicentric (D) chromosomes were counted under the light microscope. and used to calculate the frequency of chromosomal aberration [Ydr=(D+R)/total number of counted lymphocytes]. Adaptation index (k) was defined 3s ratio of Ydr in conditioned lymphocytes over Ydr in unconditioned lymphocytes. Coefficients of variance of k in $^{99m}Tc-DTPA,;^{99m}Tc-MDP;and;^{99m}Tc-TF$ were 35%, 34% and 21%, respectively k was not dependent upon age, sex, and underlying diseases. There was a wide variation of RAR induced by radiopharmaceuticals among patients undergoing nuclear medicine procedures. It remains to be determined for causes of such variation.
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