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J Radiat Prot > Volume 8(2); 1983 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1983;8(2):15-0.
여과지전기영동법(濾過紙電氣泳動法)에 의한 장수명(長壽命) 핵분열(核分裂) 생성물분리(生成物分離)
Paper Electrophoretic Separation of Some Long-Lived Fission Products
Lee, Byung-Hun;Lee, Jong-Du;
High voltage paper-electrophoresis of fission products from 24 hour neutron-irradiated and 150 days-decayed 90% highly enriched uranyl nitrate solution has been carried out by using the specially designed migration apparatus. The separation of Zr-95 and Nb-95 from the other fission products is possible under the migration condition of 0.1 $M-HClO_4$ (pH=0.85), 0.05 M-HCl+0.09M-KCl (pH=0.9), 0.1M-HCl (pH=1.1) and 0.01 M-HCl (pH=2.0). Zr-95 and Nb-95 are separated out at+1cm from the fiducial point. The separation of Zr-95 and Nb-95 from each other is possible under the migration condition of 0.1 $M-HClO_4$, 0.05 M-HCl+0.09 M-KCl, 0.1 M-HCl and 0.1 M-HAc+0.1 M-NaAc (pH=4.68) together with 2% ammonium oxalate. Nb-95 is separated out at $-6{sim}-7cm$ from the fiducial point and Zr-95 at $+1{sim}-lcm$. The separation of Ru-103 from the other fission products is possible under the migration condition of 0.025 $M-Na_2CO_3+0.025;M-NaHCO_3$ (pH=10.0), 0.01M-$Na_3PO_4$ (pH=11.7) and 0.1 M-NaOH (pH=13.2). Ru-103 migrates towards the anode -6cm, -4cm and -3cm, respectively.
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