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J Radiat Prot > Volume 31(3); 2006 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2006;31(3):135-0.
바이오어세이 결과 해석에서 단일 섭취경로 가정에 따르는 예탁유효선량의 잠재오차
Potential Errors in Committed Effective Dose Due to the Assumption of a Single Intake Path in Interpretation of Bioassay Results
Lee, Jong-Il;Lee, Jai-Ki;
Intakes of radionuclides through both inhalation and ingestion pathways may occur particularly in an incident involving unsealed radionuclides. If one assume only one intake path in this case, which is usual in routine monitoring, a significant error in the evaluated committed effective dose($E_{50}$) may result. In order to demonstrate the potential errors, variations of the resulting committed effective doses were analyzed for different fractions of the inhaled activities to the total intake of $^{241}Am$. Simulated bioassav measurements for the lungs, urine and feces were generated based on the biokinetic model and data of the radionuclide, 5 ${mu}m$ AMAD and absorption type M for inhalation, for various inhalation fractions. The potential errors in $E_{50}$ due to the assumption of one intake path were in the range from -100% to as large as +34,000% when the bioassays were made 3 days after the intakes. Larger errors are expected when only the feces assay is applied while inhalation intake exists. A strategy which employs two types of bioassay was proposed to reduce the error caused by a misjudgement of the intake path.
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