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J Radiat Prot > Volume 36(2); 2011 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2011;36(2):52-0.
베이지안 통계학을 이용한 청동기시대 주거지내 화덕자리들의 광자극발광(OSL) 연대 결정
OSL Age Determination of the Hearths in a Bronze Age Dwelling Site by using Bayesian Statistics
Kim, Myung-Jin;Yang, Hye-Jin;Hong, Duk-Geun;
OSL dating for three hearths having the sequence of use and discard in No. 29 and 29-1 dwelling sites at Sogol cultural site was carried out. Resulting from the deconvolution of natural CW-OSL decay curve and thermal zeroing test, it was turned out that OSL signal was entirely composed of the heat- and light-sensitive fast component with high photoionization cross-section and all quartz OSL signals were thermally bleached under $300^{circ}C$ which is the minimum temperature related to heating and cooking in Bronze age. After dose recovery test and plateau test, paleodose of each hearth sample was evaluated by using SAR method, and OSL age was determined from the ratio of paleodose to annual dose rate. For the purpose of the precision improvement of OSL age, Bayesian statistics was applied to each hearth's age and the archaeological sequence information. Finally, it could be concluded to the accurate use period of each hearth from the resultant OSL ages.
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