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J Radiat Prot > Volume 38(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2013;38(1):44-0.
doi: https://doi.org/10.14407/jrp.2013.38.1.044
운항승무원의 우주방사선 피폭 평가에 있어 누적형 개인 중성자 선량계의 적용가능성 예비 연구
Preliminary Study on Applicability of Accumulate Personal Neutron Dosimeter for Cosmic-ray Exposure of Aviators
Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Chang, Byung-Uck;Byun, Jong-In;Song, Myeong Han;Kim, Jung-Ho;
ICRP recommended that cosmic ray exposure to the pilot and cabin crew would be considered as an occupational exposure due to their relatively high exposure. Since 2012 with the Act No. 10908 (Natural radiation management), the guideline of cosmic ray exposure to the pilot was established in Korea. The applicability of the solid-state nuclear track detector for personal dose assessment of pilot and cabin crew was evaluated. Dose linearity and angle dependence of dosimeters to the neutron were evaluated by $^{252}Cf$ neutron emitting source. The track density has a good agreement with the dose ($r^2$=0.99) and highly dependent on the degree of an angular of the dosimeter to the neutron source. In addition, the dosimeters (SSNTD) were exposed to cosmic ray in an aircraft during its cruising for more than two months in collaboration with Airline Pilots Association of Korea. Although the correlation between the track density from aircraft cruising altitude and expected neutron dose is low, however RSNS dosimeter could be used for personal neutron dosimeter. For application of RSNS as a personal dosimeter for pilot and cabin crew, additional studies are required.
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