Approved November 8, 1996
1st revision February 13, 1997
2nd revision April 29, 2004
3th revision January 18, 2007
4th revision October 19, 2011
5th revision April 24, 2014
6th revision March 22, 2016
7th revision July 31, 2019
Chapter 1: General Rules
Article 1 (Purpose)
The regulations herein seek to provide general guidelines and procedures for effective operation of the Editorial Committee (hereafter referred to as ‘the Committee’) of the Journal of Radiation Protection and Research (JRPR, hereafter referred to as ‘the Journal’), which is co-published by the Korean Association for Radiation Protection (KARP), the Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS), and the Australasian Radiation Protection Society (ARPS) (hereafter collectively referred to as ‘the Three Societies’).
Article 2 (Tasks)
- 1. The main task of the Committee shall be to plan, receive, review, edit, and publish articles submitted to the Journal.
- 2. The Committee shall develop and maintain a set of regulations related to the publication of articles.
- 3. The Committee shall monitor compliance with the aforementioned regulations and decide on penalties for their violation.
Chapter 2: Organization of the Committee
Article 3 (Composition)
The Committee shall consist of three Editors-in-Chief (EiCs) representing the Three Societies, about twelve local editors, about fifteen international editors, and one managing editor. The international editors shall consist of experts recommended by the Three Societies and shall be representative of foreign societies numbering at least 12.
Article 4 (Selection of Members)
- 1. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of each society shall recommend Committee candidates from respective societies in consideration of candidate expertise and the scope of the Journal. The president of each society appoints the Committee members from the respective societies.
- 2. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the KARP shall additionally appoint the Managing Editor of the Journal.
- 3. The international members from the foreign societies shall be determined by consensus of the 3 EiCs.
Article 5 (Terms)
- 1. The term of the members of the Committee shall be two years.
- 2. The members of the Committee can serve multiple terms by recommendation and decision of the EiCs and the presidents of the respective societies.
Article 6 (Duties)
- 1. Each member shall do his/her best to attend the annual web meetings of the Committee, which shall be held once every year.
- 2. Each member shall assume the role of editor for the assigned paper, inviting two reviewers for each paper and collecting their reviews.
- 3. Each member shall be fair in his/her editorial work and do his/her best for the Journal.
Article 7 (Editors-in Chief)
- 1. Each of the three EiCs shall be nominated by the respective presidents of the Three Societies.
- 2. The term of each EiC shall be two years; EiCs can serve multiple terms.
Article 8 (Convening of meetings)
- 1. Three EiCs or the Managing Editor of the Journal can call an ad hoc online editorial meeting, as necessary, by providing at least 7 days’ notice to the members of the Committee.