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J Radiat Prot > Volume 19(2); 1994 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1994;19(2):121-0.
대구지역(大邱地域) 지각(地殼) ${gamma}$-선(線)의 조사선량율(照射線量率) 측정(測定)
A Measurement of the Exposure Rates by Terrestrial y-rays in Taegu Area
Chang, Si-Ho;Jeong, Chun-Gyun;Kang, Hee-Dong;Lee, Mo-Sung;Choi, Mun-Kyu;Kim, Wi-Soo;
This study concerns about the measurement and the investigation of environmental radiation characteristics which the components and the distribution of exposure rates by terrestrial y-rays in Taegu area. $4^{'}{phi}{times}4^{'}$ NaI(T1) scintillation detector with a multichannel analyzer was used in the measurement of y-rays as a part of in-situ spectrometry at twenty eight different locations in this area. The conversion into the exposure rate from the measured ${gamma}-ray$ spectrum has been carried out leading to a net exposure rate and component ones by $^{40}K,;^{238}U$ series and $^{232}Th$ series products which are known by the major parts in the terrestrial ${gamma}-rays$ generally. As a result, the average exposure rate by the terrestrial ${gamma}-rays$ in Taegu area is $9.4{mu}R/h$ and the distribution of individual exposure rates shows more or less differences between these locations even after the consideration of diurnal and yearly variations which are always involved in these measurements. The component parts of exposure rates are distributed $^{40}K;2.9{sim}4.6{mu}R/h,;^{238}U$ series $1.2{sim}3,;1{mu}R/h,;^{232}Th$ series $2.5{sim}5.0{mu}R/h$ over the measured locations.
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