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J Radiat Prot > Volume 21(3); 1996 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1996;21(3):201-0.
방사선 사고시의 의료대책
Medical Preparedness in Radiation Accidents
Kim, Eun-Sil;Kim, Jong-Soon;
Radiation and radioactive materials serve man in many beneficial ways. Diagnostic X-ray, radiation therapy, and other nuclear medicine uses of radioactivity save thousands of lives each year. Industrial application of radiation, such as radiography, make many manufactured products more reliable and less expensive. Nuclear power plants are producing more electrical power each year and reducing our dependence on imported oil. However, radiation can and dose produce harmful effects particularly as the reault of a radiation accident in which a victim receives as the result of a radiation accident in which a victim receives a large dose. Fortunately such accidents are very rare and recently we need more electric power produced by nuclear power plants. Considering increase of use of radiation or radioactive materials, we have to establish the radiological emergency response system prepared for radiation accidents.
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