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J Radiat Prot > Volume 24(2); 1999 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1999;24(2):109-0.
TRIGA Mark-II, III 연구로 시절의 폐로를 위한 시설의 잔류 방사선/능 평가
Evaluation of Residual Radiation and Radioactivity Level of TRIGA Mark-II, III Research Reactor Facilities for Safe Decommissioning
Lee, B.J.;Chang, S.Y.;Park, S.K.;Jung, W.S.;Jung, K.J.;
Residual radiation and radioactivity level in TRIGA Mark-II, III research reactors and facilities at the KAERI Seoul site, which are to be decommissioned, have been measured, analyzed and evaluated to know the current status of radiation and radioactivity level and to establish and to provide the technical requirements for the safe decommissioning of the facilities which shall be applied in minimizing the radiation exposure for workers and in preventing the release of the radioactive materials to the environment. Radiation dose rate and surface radioactivity contamination level on the experimental equipments, floors, walls of the facilities, and the surface of the activated materials within the reactor pool structure were measured and evaluated. Radioactivity and radionuclides in the pool and cooling water were also analyzed. In case of the activated reactor pool structures which are very difficult to measure the radiation and radioactivity level, a computer code Fispin was additionally used for estimation of the residual radioactivity and radionuclides. The radiation and radioactivity data obtained in this study were effectively used as basic data for decontamination and dismantling plan for safe decommissioning of TRIGA Mark-II, III facilities.
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