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J Radiat Prot > Volume 27(2); 2002 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2002;27(2):121-0.
지하수로부터 방출된 라돈에 의한 현실적인 체내축적량 평가
A Realistic Human Exposure Assessment of Indoor Radon released from Groundwater
Yu, Dong-Han;Han, Moon-Hee;
The work presents a realistic human exposure assessment of indoor radon released from groundwater in a house. At first, a two-compartment model is developed to describe the generation and transfer of radon in indoor air from groundwater. The model is used to estimate radon concentrations profile of indoor air in a house us]ng by showering, washing clothes, and flushing toilets. Then, the study performs an uncertainty analysis of model input parameters to quantify the uncertainty in radon concentration profile. In order to estimate a daily internal dose of a specific tissue group in an adult through the inhalation of such indoor radon, 3 PBPK(Physiologically-Based Pharmaco-Kinetic) model is developed. Combining indoor radon profile and PBPK model is used to a realistic human assessment for such exposure. The results obtained from this study would be used to the evaluation of human risk by inhalation associated with the indoor radon released from groundwater.
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Quantitative Exposure Assessment of Indoor Radon Released from Groundwater  2001 ;26(2)
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