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J Radiat Prot > Volume 29(3); 2004 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2004;29(3):197-0.
토양 중 $^{137}Cs$$^{90}Sr$의 깊이별 분포특성
Vertical distirbution of $^{137}Cs;and;^{90}Sr$ activities in the soils of Korea
Cha, H.J.;Park, D.;Park, H.;Kang, M.J.;Lee, W.;Choi, G.S.;Cho, Y.H.;Chung, K.H.;Lee, H.P.;Shin, H.S.;Lee, C.W.;
Vertical distributions of $^{137}Cs;and;^{90}Sr$ activities are studied for the soils of six areas, Korea (Gori, Yeonggwang, Uljin, Weolseong, Goseong and Jeju). The soils from 6 areas are at geographically different locations with the different environmental conditions and parent rook. The activities of $^{137}Cs;and;^{90}Sr$ vary N.D.(below detection limit) to 185 Bq/kg and 2.79 - 8.06 Bq/kg, respectively. Activities of $^{137}Cs;and;^{90}Sr$ show the highest value at the surface soil and decrease with depth. $^{137}Cs$ activities at the top surface soils are positively correlated with annual precipitation and organic carbon content with little relationship with mean grain size and the clay content. The highest $^{137}Cs$activities are found at the Jeju site, followed by the Goseong site of which soils have much different parent rock and textural properties. Though the activities of $^{137}Cs;and;^{90}Sr$ on the basis of dry weight are higher in Jeju soils than in Goseong soils, their inventories are similar in both soils due to their textural differences.
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