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J Radiat Prot > Volume 36(4); 2011 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2011;36(4):200-0.
Fluence Monitor를 이용한 HANARO 노심 내 중성자 플루언스 측정
Neutron fluence measurement at HANARO using fluence monitor method
Lee, Seung-Kyu;Jo, Kwang-Ho;Choo, Kee-Nam;Park, Jin-Suk;Kim, Yong-Kyun;
The neutron fluence measurement and evaluation technology is very important for material irradiation test. The most essential technology in this study is the neutron irradiation evaluation method using a fluence monitor. The fluence monitors were fabricated with metal wires of the purity ${geq}$ 99.9%, whose dimensions were 0.1mm diameter, about 3 mm length, and around 150-200 ${mu}g$ mass range. Three wire samples (Fe, Ni, Ti) were prepared for one irradiation aluminum capsule. Five capsules were irradiated in the OR5 hole of the HANARO reactor at 30 MW power for about 25 days. After irradiation tests, radiation activities were measured with the high purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The reaction rates were calculated by using the measured radiation activity data, and then neutron fluence were obtained from the reaction rates and the weighted neutron cross section with calculated neutron spectrum at the fluence monitor position.
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