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J Radiat Prot > Volume 39(2); 2014 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2014;39(2):89-0.
doi: https://doi.org/10.14407/jrp.2014.39.2.089
원전 인허가승인을 위한 사고결말평가에서 지표침적에 의한 피폭의 민감도 분석
Importance Analysis of Radiological Exposure by Ground Deposition in Potential Accident Consequences for the Licensing Approval of a Nuclear Power Plant
Hwang, Won Tae;Jeong, Hae Sun;Jeong, Hyo Joon;Kim, Eun Han;Han, Moon Hee;
In potential accident consequence assessments for the licensing approval of LWRs, the ground deposition of radionuclides released into the environment is not allowed into the models, as recommended in the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulatory guide. Meanwhile, it is allowed into the assessment models for the licensing approval of PHWRs with consideration of more detailed physical processes of radionuclides in the atmosphere. Under these backgrounds, importance of exposure dose by ground deposition was quantitatively evaluated and comprehensively discussed. For potential accidental releases of $^{137}Cs$ and $^{131}I$, total exposure doses were more conservative in case of without consideration of ground deposition than in case of with its consideration. It was because of that the depletion of air concentration resulting from ground deposition is more influential in the contribution to total exposure doses than additional doses from contaminated ground. The exposure doses by the inhalation of contaminated air showed the contribution of more than 90% in total exposure doses, depending on atmospheric stability, release period of radionuclides and distance from a release point. The exposure doses from contaminated ground showed less than 10% at most in contribution of total exposure doses. The ratios of total exposure doses in case of with consideration of deposition to without its consideration for $^{131}I$ were distinct than those for $^{137}Cs$. As the atmosphere is more stable, release duration of radionuclides is longer, distance from a release point is longer, it was more distinct.
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