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J Radiat Prot > Volume 37(1); 2012 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2012;37(1):16-0.
doi: https://doi.org/10.14407/jrp.2012.37.1.016
이중 모드 컴프턴 카메라의 측면 흡수부 제작을 위한 신호처리회로 개발
Development of Signal Processing Circuit for Side-absorber of Dual-mode Compton Camera
Seo, Hee;Park, Jin-Hyung;Park, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Young-Su;Kim, Chan-Hyeong;Lee, Ju-Hahn;Lee, Chun-Sik;
In the present study, a gamma-ray detector and associated signal processing circuit was developed for a side-absorber of a dual-mode Compton camera. The gamma-ray detector was made by optically coupling a CsI(Tl) scintillation crystal to a silicon photodiode. The developed signal processing circuit consists of two parts, i.e., the slow part for energy measurement and the fast part for timing measurement. In the fast part, there are three components: (1) fast shaper, (2) leading-edge discriminator, and (3) TTL-to-NIM logic converter. AC coupling configuration between the detector and front-end electronics (FEE) was used. Because the noise properties of FEE can significantly affect the overall performance of the detection system, some design criteria were presented. The performance of the developed system was evaluated in terms of energy and timing resolutions. The evaluated energy resolution was 12.0% and 15.6% FWHM for 662 and 511 keV peaks, respectively. The evaluated timing resolution was 59.0 ns. In the conclusion, the methods to improve the performance were discussed because the developed gamma-ray detection system showed the performance that could be applicable but not satisfactory in Compton camera application.
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