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J Radiat Prot > Volume 38(3); 2013 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2013;38(3):149-0.
doi: https://doi.org/10.14407/jrp.2013.38.3.149
방사선안전관리를 위한 Process Mapping 개발
Development of the Process Mapping for the Radiation Safety Management
Lee, Yong Sik;Lee, Jin Woo;Lee, Yun Jong;
Recent domestic use of radiations has increased in the number of institutions and companies as well as operating as an investment, a variety of facilities and safety management are becoming increasingly complex. Despite the increase of radiation workers and facilities, the number of RSOs (Radiation Safety Officers) has not increased with a growing domestic radiation industry. The radiation safety management work (radiation workers management, radiation sources management, facilities management etc.) has been managed by insufficient number of the RSOs. These problems could be directly or indirectly related to causes of the radiation accidents. In this paper, we designed the Process Mapping of radiation safety management work for an efficient safety management of the radiation facilities and protection of radiation accidents. To develop the Process Mapping, we analyzed the radiation safety requirements of management issues and the individual procedures. Based on the Process Mapping, the work procedures for an appropriate radiation safety management of each institution can be configured clearly. Through this procedures, the safety risk factors in radiation facilities can be reduced, and the radiation safety management system will be improved. Depending on your needs, the Process Mapping could be modified and could be used for an efficient radiation safety management.
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